{ "dashboards": { "dashboard-1635434317806": { "name": "WiFi Analysis", "description": "An interactive dashboard using Search and a Table with Sankey graph. Lookup the user, machine, IP, WiFI SSID etc.", "publish": true, "system": false, "sort_order": "100", "grid": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 4, "height": 3, "vid": 1635467383159, "wid": "html-1635467833240" }, { "x": 0, "y": 3, "width": 12, "height": 8, "vid": 1635434425403, "wid": "amchart_sankey-1635433901840" }, { "x": 4, "y": 0, "width": 8, "height": 3, "vid": 1635438381136, "wid": "table-1635438336990" } ], "id": "dashboard-1635434317806", "apistring": "", "autoload": true, "lastsave": 1636095753297, "header": { "creator": "dbieneman", "creatorid": 182, "lastupdated": 1636095779313, "created": 1635434422674 }, "status": "saved" } }, "widgets": { "html-1635467833240": { "type": "html", "options": { "type": "html", "options": "simple", "html": "

Use the table data to identify poor WiFi signal or other poor KPI's. Use the graph to visualize the User, Machine, SSID (WiFi Name) and BSSID (Access Point) relationships.

To Focus the SanKey Graph and Table on a Specific User, Machine, IP, etc.:
1. Click the Search on the MAIN dashboard toolbar.
2. Enter in a search term into the appropriate lookup basis.
3. Click GO.
" }, "title": "WiFi Analysis", "description": "Use the table data to identify poor WiFi signal or other poor KPI's.\nUse the graph to visualize the User, Machine, SSID (WiFi Name) and BSSID (Access Point) relationships.", "group": "db", "lastsave": 1635483345634, "header": { "creator": "dbieneman", "creatorid": 182, "lastupdated": 1635483441436, "created": 1635483441436 } }, "amchart_sankey-1635433901840": { "type": "amchart_sankey", "options": { "apistring": "{ \n\"wifi_ssid\":\"!none\",\n\"wifi_bssid\":\"!none\",\n\"filter\":\"(user_name not ilike 'no_login_user') or (wifi_ssid not ilike 'none') or (wifi_bssid not ilike 'none')\",\n\"sort_col\":\"wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg\"\n}", "type": "sankey", "basis1": "wifi_ssid", "basis2": "wifi_bssid", "basis3": "machines", "basis4": "users", "limit": "25", "datasort": "none", "chartStyle": "solid", "addExport": true, "hideLabels": false, "showSortMetric": true }, "title": "WiFi SSID Worst Signal from AP w/ Machine & User - Max 25", "system": "false", "description": "WiFi overview shows the WiFi SSID, WiFi AP, User and Machine.", "group": "db", "datasource": "data-1635433695289", "sort_order": "1", "locked": false, "override": true, "lastsave": 1636519586439, "header": { "creator": "dbieneman", "creatorid": 182, "lastupdated": 1637725037871, "created": 1637725037871 } }, "table-1635438336990": { "type": "table", "options": { "apistring": "{\n\n}", "sortable": true, "pagination": false, "plimit": false, "condensed": true, "searching": true, "enable360": true, "limithighlight": true, "good_bgcolor": "#94c894", "good_txtcolor": "#ffffff", "fair_bgcolor": "#cdc782", "fair_txtcolor": "#ffffff", "poor_bgcolor": "#bf807e", "poor_txtcolor": "#ffffff", "reverse": true }, "title": "WiFi Overview", "system": "false", "description": "WiFi Overview.", "group": "db", "datasource": "data-1635433695289", "dcolumn": "wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg", "scolumn": "wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg", "sort_order": "1", "displaycols": [ "wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg", "wifi_signal_strength_dbm_avg", "avg_distance_to_bssid_mtr", "wifi_mtransmit_rate_mbps_avg", "wifi_mreceive_rate_mbps_avg", "wifi_signal_strength_percent_min", "wifi_signal_strength_dbm_min", "min_distance_to_bssid_mtr", "max_distance_to_bssid_mtr" ], "h_limit": "85", "m_limit": "75", "l_limit": "75", "locked": false, "override": true, "lastsave": 1643214364279, "header": { "creator": "dbieneman", "creatorid": 182, "lastupdated": 1643214525264, "created": 1643214525264 } } }, "datasources": { "data-1635433695289": { "title": "WiFi", "system": "false", "description": "WiFi for Sankey.", "group": "db", "apistring": { "inspector": "0", "basis": "machines,machine_groups,users,user_groups,ip_address,mac_address,external_ip,wifi_ssid,wifi_bssid,wifi_mac,wifi_protocol,wifi_band,wifi_authtype,wifi_cipher", "date": "today", "columns": "wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg,wifi_signal_strength_dbm_avg,avg_distance_to_bssid_mtr,wifi_mtransmit_rate_mbps_avg,wifi_mreceive_rate_mbps_avg,wifi_signal_strength_percent_min,wifi_signal_strength_dbm_min,min_distance_to_bssid_mtr,max_distance_to_bssid_mtr,user_count,node_count,cid_seconds_avg,cid_seconds,up_time_percent,record_count", "unbasis": "external_ip,machine_groups,user_groups,ip_address,mac_address,wifi_mac,wifi_protocol,wifi_band,wifi_authtype,wifi_cipher", "skip_columns": "node_id,user_id,node_group_id,user_group_id", "limit": "1000", "filter": "wifi_ssid not like '*none*'", "sort_col": "wifi_signal_strength_percent_avg", "sort_order": "1", "rating": "2", "percents": "1", "units": "1", "commas": "1" }, "lastsave": 1635440634115, "header": { "creator": "dbieneman", "creatorid": 182, "lastupdated": 1635527507971, "created": 1635527507971 } } } }