SE Articles From the Field
Replication for user authored data is fine. For instance, replicating folder redirected data as well as portability archives (one way replication). Liquidware does not support bi-directional replication of ProfileDisk or Virtual Disk module VHDX files. Depending on the technology, it may also not be possible to perform one-way replication of these files.
Option 1:
General Use File Server Cluster with Scale-Out File Share
This does support profiledata. It is different then DFS-r
Option 2:
PeerSoftware PeerGFS
This will handle the Active/Active replication on the back end for Portability and Folder Redirection and you can use DFS-n between the servers for a single name space. NOTE - Do not replicate VHDX files bi-directionally. One-way replication is generally OK, despite the LARGE dataset being transferred each day for each user.
Option 3:
Connect for Enterprise
Option 4:
Storages Spaces with Storage Replica
Option 5:
Moving the data into your NAS filer (HA on by default)
Dynamic Profiledisks are not compatible in Dell/EMC filer as there is a write issue in their version of SMB block addressing make the disk Fixed, or VHDx.
Portability is 100% covered in this case
Option 6:
GlobalScape EFT
Option 7:
Two file shares with DFS-R set in an active/passive failover state
This way the data is unidirectional and shouldn't cause profile corruption.
Option 8:
General Use File Server Cluster
With the eventual move to an OS with SMB3 as an option (win8, 8.1, 10, 2016) the function of SMB Continuous Availability will become available which will transparently shift the SMB to the secondary node in the case of outage on the primary node.
Option 9:
Option 10:
It is free and does proper Active/Active, but some companies don't like Free AND opensource.
Option 11: