Product: ProfileUnity
Product Version: 6.8+
Expires on: 365 days from publish date
Updated: Nov 7, 2023
In order to capture the most detailed information, it's ideal to set the logging level to 'DEBUG' in the configuration(s) prior to logon.
- Log in to a ProfileUnity client machine and run "C:\Program Files\ProfileUnity\Client.NET\LwL.ProfileUnity.Client.Diagnostic.exe". Do NOT "Run as Administrator".
- After the diagnostic tool has run, a zip file - LwL_ProfileUnity_Client_Diagnostic_*.zip which includes the diagnostic results and relevant log files will be created in %temp%.
Example: %temp%\ LwL_ProfileUnity_Client_Diagnostic_*.zip
Note: Versions prior to 6.8.3, the diag log bundle is in C:\Program Files\ProfileUnity\Client.NET. - For latest diagnostic tool download it from:
- Send the zipped diagnostic results file LwL_ProfileUnity_Client_Diagnostic_*.zip, to the support engineer that is working with you to resolve your issue. If the results need to be scrubbed of any sensitive information, please see the section below - Scrubbing Sensitive Data
Using the diagnostic tool on other machines like the FlexApp Packaging Console:
- The latest available Diag Tool can be downloaded from: - Starting in 6.8.6, the FlexApp Packaging Console includes the Diag Tool at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\FlexApp Packaging Console\LwL.ProfileUnity.Client.Diagnostic.exe" - Starting in 1.5, the FlexApp Packaging Automation framework includes the Diag Tool at:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquidware Labs\FlexApp Packaging Automation\punc\LwL.ProfileUnity.Client.Diagnostic.exe" - When running it outside of the normal "C:\Program Files\ProfileUnity\Client.NET" location, it must be "run as administrator" in order for it to capture everything. If the user isn't an admin, then it should be run normally and again "as an administrator" using other credentials, if possible.
Using the diagnostic tool in Govt institutions
(Optional) Scrubbing Sensitive Data:
In certain situations the diagnostic results may need to be scrubbed of sensitive/classified information.
We recommend using an editor like Notepad++ to find replace user names, servers names etc...
Here is an example of how you could use an editor like Notepad++.
- Extract the zipped diagnostic results.
- Open all the files that were extracted in Notepad++.
- Using the Find and Replace feature within Notepad++, search and replace the desired data. Use the option to Replace All in All Opened Documents.
Please try to replace the data with distinguishable names. For example instead of replacing everything with "Scrubbed", use generic terms like - ProUServer1, VMware CS 2, ServerIP, etc... This will help in identifying components for troubleshooting without revealing anything sensitive. - After scrubbing the files, select the option to Save All.
- Zipped the scrubbed files and send the file to the support engineer that is working with you to resolve your issue.