Product: ProfileUnity-FlexApp
Product Version: ANY
Expiration: 365 days from publishing
Updated: July 1, 2024
GPO "Remove common program groups from Start Menu" prevents users from seeing FlexApp shortcuts in the Start Menu. Admin team unable to change GPO.
Possible workaround:
Use the below-attached Post-Activation and Pre-Deactivation scripts in every FlexApp Package. The scripts copy (and cleanup) All Users-based Start Menu shortcuts from each package into the user's own AppData Start Menu location so they are visible again.
*See the Add Package Scripts page of the FlexApp Packaging Console Guide for more information on adding package scripts.
**FlexApp versions prior to 6.8.5 require the use of a BAT file shim in order to launch powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file <scriptname> as PS1 files weren't being until then.