Product: Stratusphere FIT/UX
Product Version: 6.6.2
Expires on: 365 days from publish date
Updated: Jun 6, 2024
- Collector/hub appliance /var/log or / (root) filesystem at or near 100% usage
- Collector Administration shows NO status or failure getting status
- Upgrade failure
Click the Collector row in Collector Admin to highlight it, then View Properties for more info:
Possible resolution:
Console or SSH into the affected hub/collector and run the following commands. The login name is friend for on premises appliances, ec2-user for AWS, azureuser or custom username listed in Azure console for Azure:
sudo bash
df -h
systemctl stop lwl-smx lwl-backend lwl-backend-priv httpd
rm -f /var/log/tnt/*log* /var/log/httpd/*log* /var/log/messages* /var/lib/jakarta-tomcat/default/logs/*log*
rm -rf /opt/lwl/servicemix/data/cache /opt/lwl/servicemix/data/tmp
systemctl start lwl-smx lwl-backend lwl-backend-priv httpd
df -h
The last df -h should show reduced usage for / and /var/log. Collector Administration should now show OK status:
You may upgrade the Collector at this point.