- Released 8-5-20, Last Updated 10-6-20 - Patches available here.
Issues Resolved
ProfileUnity Management Console
- Fixed an issue with Mongo where a bulk write operation resulted in one or more errors.
- Fixed an issue with a security risk with a jQuery component dependency (CVE-2012-6708).
- Fixed an issue with Licensed Users where the machine name reverted to previous entry on logoff.
- Fixed an issue where an HTTP security header was not detected.
- Fixed an issue with Licensing where licenses were not released after 30 days.
- Fixed an issue with filters where typing custom values was not allowed.
- Fixed an issue where "expired" users were not automatically removed from the Licensed Users table.
- Updated 8-11-20: Fixed an issue with Licensing screen hung spinner.
- Fixed an issue where SafeFilesystemSearch was slow for logoffs.
- Fixed an issue with Shortcut playback issues when a Start Menu sub-folder already existed.
- Fixed an issue with AppStream Prewarm where tokencache was failing to run and hung up the login.
- Fixed an issue where you could not delete or move folders from a ProfileDisk.
- Fixed an issue with a Terminal Server filter check that returned false for WVD multi-user Win10.
- Fixed an issue with Startup.exe where it randomly failed with an IOException: 'VirtFsService.exe.config is being used by another process'.
- Fixed an issue with Folder Redirection where a Win32Exception error called WTSEnumerateSessions.
- Fixed an issue with ProfileDisk where unmount and file handle release took up to 5 minutes to complete on a Windows shutdown request.
- Fixed an issue with ProfileDisk where UPN logins needed to correspond to samAccountName (pre-Windows 2000 account name).
- Fixed an issue with error dialog boxes during login that caused AppStream to hang while connecting.
- Updated 9-10-20: Fixed a Chrome UserDataDir override issue
- Updated 9-10-20: Fixed an App-V+ProfileDisk compatibility issue
- Updated 10-6-20: Disabled by default App-V and Edge / Chrome user data handling
- Fixed an issue where manually running Jitcut did not work with VHDX Packages.
- Fixed an issue where BSoD occurred when capturing applications on Windows 10-2004.
- Fixed an issue with playback time where applications abused HKLM\software\classes.
- Fixed an issue where customer saw recycle bin corruption messages in 6.8.3 R2 GA.
- Fixed an issue with Session Isolation where it was not working in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue with HKLM root entries that could lock up the system.
- Fixed an issue with the Flexapp Packaging Console where application capture failed with the following: ‘Error: The Remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error’.
- Fixed an issue where you could not package AutoDesk TrueView 2018.
- Updated 9-10-20: Fixed a benign crash at the end of FlexApp playback on Win7 32-bit
- Updated 9-10-20: Fixed a quirk with some DFS namespace mappings related to VHDX disk mounts
- Updated 9-10-20: Fixed an issue with FlexApp Session Isolation on WVD VMs