Product: Stratusphere FIT/UX
Product Version: 6.6.0-1, 6.6.0-2
Expires on: 365 days from publish date
Updated: July 29, 2022
Enhanced Security and CAC Authentication are enabled, see 6.6.0 Security Addendum. Hub appliance update is successful, but Database appliance fails to update. When you run the U) Update option in the ssconsole menu, output shows "Update was successful" but DB console status never shows new version or reboots.
2022-06-29 21:40:30 Update was successful
2022-06-29 21:40:30 Cleaning up kernels
2022-06-29 21:43:50 Kernel cleanup complete
2022-06-29 21:43:50 Importing updated RPM keys
2022-06-29 21:43:53 Imported updated RPM keys
2022-06-29 21:43:53 Cleaning up
2022-06-29 21:44:03 Complete
Press ENTER to continue
Possible resolution:
Putty or console into all collectors and the hub as ssconsole and use Software Services (S) menu to toggle backend services off. If they are already powered off there is no need to do anything else with the collectors. Then run the following commands on the hub as root. You'll first need to log in as friend for on-premises appliances, as ec2-user for AWS, or as azureuser or whatever username was set for the Azure appliances:
- sudo bash
- cd /etc/lwl/httpd/conf.d/ui/
- cp stratusphere.conf stratusphere.conf.backup
- vi stratusphere.conf
Arrow down to to the upgrades section at the bottom of the file and hit the 'i' key to enter insert mode. Add 'SSLVerifyClient none', then hit escape and ':wq' to save and quit the file, ie:
Alias /upgrades/ "/var/www/html/upgrades/"
<Directory "/var/www/html/upgrades/">
SSLVerifyClient none
AllowOverride None
Options +FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<LimitExcept GET>
Deny from all
- rm -f /opt/lwl/var/.mgmtip
- /opt/lwl/bin/
- systemctl restart httpd
Run Update in DB ssconsole menu. If you're already logged in as root, lwl command will open the menu. After the DB reboots and shows the new version in the console status, boot hub backend services and verify WebUI functionality. Once UI functionality is confirmed, boot Collectors backend services and verify that you can see new data in Stratusphere UX.
This will be resolved in release 6.7.0.